Digital Downloads

Download wallpapers and backgrounds for your desktop and mobile devices, profile and cover images for social media and various Zoom backgrounds to show your Susquehanna spirit.

Class of 2025 Stickers

Congratulations, Class of 2025! Use these stickers and more on social media to celebrate the commencement season. Tag @susquehannau and #Susqu2025 so we can share in the celebration. Click on the image to view and download to your mobile device.

Image of Susquehanna logo and class of 2024 written with graduation cap.

Proud of our SU graduate sticker

We Did It Sticker

Class of 2029 Templates

Welcome to Susquehanna! Use these social media templates to share the good news. Tag @susquehannau and #SUSQU2029 so we can share in the celebration.
Click on the image to view and download to your mobile device.

Facebook Cover Photos

Click on the image to view and download to your desktop or mobile device.

Susquehanna in the fall, Facebook cover photo.

Susquehanna in the Spring, Facebook cover photo

Susquehanna in the summer, Facebook cover photo

Susquehanna in the winter, Facebook cover photo

Profile Photos 

Click on the image to view and download to your desktop or mobile device.

LinkedIn Cover Photos

Click on the image to view and download to your desktop or mobile device.

LinkedIn Cover Photo

LinkedIn Cover Photo

LinkedIn Cover Photo

LinkedIn Cover Photo


Phone Wallpapers

Click on the image to view and download to your mobile device.

Susquehanna phone wallpaper

Susquehanna phone wallpaper

Susquehanna phone wallpaper

Desktop Wallpapers

Click on the image to view and download to your desktop device.

Susquehanna Desktop Wallpaper, Fall

Susquehanna Desktop Wallpaper, Spring

Susquehanna Desktop Wallpaper, Summer

Susquehanna Desktop Wallpaper, Winter

Susquehanna Desktop Wallpaper, Winged S

Susquehanna Desktop Wallpaper, Wordmark

Zoom Backgrounds

Click on the image to view and download to your desktop or mobile device.

Susquehanna GIFs & Stickers 

Show your Susquehanna pride with GIFs and stickers! 

How to Post GIFs on Instagram

  1. In the GIPHY mobile app, search Susquehanna University to find our page.
  2. Once on our page, tap on the Screen_Shot_2018-12-07_at_3.07.20_PM.png located under any GIF you would like to share.
  3. Once you tap the button, it will open a selection of social sharing buttons, tap on Instagram.
  4. Then, select if you would like to add it to your Feed or Instagram Story.

How to Use GIFs on Instagram 

  1. From your Instagram Story, tap the Screen_Shot_2018-11-28_at_12.48.10_PM.png to add a GIF or sticker.
  2. Then search, “Susquehanna”
  3. From there, you can add and layer as many GIFs and stickers to your Stories as you want!

Printable Downloads

If you’ve ever wanted to celebrate SU style, here’s a treat — downloadable party decorations for everyone from our incoming class, to our grads and alums. Use these fun decorations at your party, then share your photos with us on Instagram and tag @susquehannau.


Click on the image to view and download to your desktop or mobile device.

Pumpkin Carving Stencils

Grab your pumpkins and carve some River Hawk-inspired designs using our exclusive Susquehanna stencils. Clickon the link to view and download the printable PDF to your device.

Ginkgo Leaf: 4 inch stencil (PDF), 6 inch stencil (PDF), 8 inch stencil (PDF)

Winged ‘S’: 3 inch stencil (PDF), 5 inch stencil (PDF), 7 inch stencil (PDF)

River Hawk Head: 6 inch stencil (PDF), 8 inch stencil (PDF)