Career Exploration
- One-on-one advising
- Help with choosing a major
- Career assessment inventories that match your interests to career possibilities
Job and Internship Search
- Assistance with résumé and cover letter writing
- Mock interviews
- Networking events, career fairs and on-campus recruiting
- Handshake, an online recruiting system
- On-campus employer information sessions
- Online résumé accumulation system for employers
- Referrals to prospective employers
- Potential for networking opportunities with more than 18,000 alumni
Professional and Graduate School
- Help with identifying schools that match your interests
- Study aids for graduate school entrance exams
- Assistance in identifying and securing scholarships, fellowships and grants
- One-on-one advising
Workshops and Programs
Topics include:
- Negotiating a job offer
- Acing the interview
- Networking
- Interview etiquette
- Starting your job search
- Graduate school search
- Résumé help
- Marketing your study abroad program