Susquehanna Forever

With nearly 22,000 alumni around the world, the Susquehanna community is never out of reach.


The lessons learned and connections made on Susquehanna’s beautiful, broad campus last well beyond a student’s four years; they last a lifetime. Susquehannans go on to do great things, and the dedication they have for their alma mater runs deep. As volunteers, advocates and donors, alumni ensure that future generations of students have access to the life-changing experiences that a Susquehanna education offers.

Ways To Engage Right Now

Here are three easy — yet immensely meaningful — ways in which alumni can make the most of their connection to Susquehanna University.

Attend An Event

Whether online or in person, on campus or off, there are a variety of events that help keep Susquehanna graduates active and engaged with one another and the university.

Alumni Gifts

Make A Gift

Your generosity makes the Susquehanna experience possible for today’s students. Gifts can support any campus designation most meaningful to the donor.

Become A Volunteer

Whether its returning for Break Through, hosting a networking trek or serving as a reunion ambassador, there are many ways alumni can share their time and talents.

Explore News & Alumni Stories

Learn how Susquehanna University alumni are making a difference in their communities and the world around them.

Alum Wins Emmy

Aleksandr Washuta ’21 was among the Vegas Golden Knights Emmy Award–winning production staff recognized for their coverage of the team’s 2023 Stanley Cup Championship banner-raising ceremony.

Layren McDannold

Alumna Awarded Fulbright

Layren McDannold ’23 has been awarded the Anne Wexler Scholarship in Public Policy from the U.S. Department of State and the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board.

Four-time Fulbrighter Gives Back to Field

Bruce Svare ’71 recently returned from a Fulbright stay in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, where he worked to improve the quality of graduate training in clinical psychology, counseling and social work.



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514 University Ave.
Selinsgrove, Pa. 17870

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